Tribe Uncovers $36K
in Savings with
1 Drug Change


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Midwestern Tribal Entity

  • 1,600 Member Lives
  • 1 Drug Referral
  • $36K in Annual Savings

Real savings unlocked with

Optimize 340B

The director of pharmacy for a Midwestern Tribal Entity learned how to take control of their unwieldy 340B program with the help of experts at RxBenefits, and together created a plan to strengthen the tribe’s internal clinic through tribal member referrals.

RxBenefits uncovered $880K in projected net savings for the tribe.   Learn More

Specialty Referral: Key to Savings

One of the tribe’s members had a formulary override allowing them to fill their specialty prescription through a mail-order pharmacy not affiliated with the tribe. 

The medication cost the plan $19K per 12-week course. 

After speaking with the tribal clinic patient, the director of pharmacy reviewed data and 340B plans from the experts at RxBenefits. They found the expensive prescription fill could move to the tribe’s in-house clinic pharmacy. 

From Strategy to Impact

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