Who We Serve

RxBenefits offers tailored pharmacy plans for all self-funded employers and specialized solutions for unique industries.

You and your members deserve more from your pharmacy benefits.

Transparent contracts. Independent clinical management. Superior member service. You can give your members best-in-class pharmacy benefits without sacrificing quality or budget. It’s easier than it sounds—when you find the right partner.

All self-funded, carved-out employer groups, regardless of size, can chart a course to better benefits by taming drugflation and achieving lowest net cost, while still delivering on the needs of members.

Young woman holding pills bottle and searching medications dosage instruction online on smartphone in living room

Drugflation is the driving force behind your rapidly accelerating plan spend – at a pace that’s more than 2x the national rate of inflation.

Transparent contracts. Independent clinical management. Superior member service. You can give your members best-in-class pharmacy benefits without sacrificing quality or budget. It’s easier than it sounds—when you find the right partner.

All self-funded, carved-out employer groups, regardless of size, can chart a course to better benefits by taming drugflation and achieving lowest net cost, while still delivering on the needs of members.

Stylized image representing Drugflation

Avoid dead ends and empty promises.

While the varied solutions to curb rising drug spend can be overwhelming – Carve-out? Join a coalition? Jump on the latest solution bandwagon? – none of these options alone will live up to your expectations of control over benefit management, generated savings, and improved member health and experience.

Your pharmacy benefits need a long-term strategy guided by experts and a partner who can deliver you a plan that achieves lowest net cost – the amount you pay for pharmacy net of rebates.

You, and employers like you, are uniquely positioned to harness the power of a pharmacy benefits optimizer (PBO) to design a plan that meets your organization’s needs.

A maze with "Lowest Net Cost" as the goal in the center

A partner for you and superior service for your members.

Access proactive, consultative advice from your dedicated account management team – and get all the data and insights you need – to make informed decisions.

Provide your members with personalized support via U.S.-based call centers, from compassionate representatives who are empowered to resolve member issues with a focus on solving problems comprehensively – not just ending phone calls quickly.

Award winning service

Your organization is unique, and you need pharmacy benefits solutions that match your needs.

Tailor pharmacy benefits to specific industry requirements, like 340B programs or Taft Hartley. Explore some of our industry specialized solutions:

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